Frequently Asked Questions

Last modified on 6 March 2020

General Information

What currency is it?

It’s US dollar (USD)

Where are you locating at?

We are locating at Japan. We ship items directly from Japan.

How do i track my order?

We will let you know the tracking number by email after you purchase. Please wait till item shipped.

Do i need my account to place order?

You don’t need to create account to place order. But if you place order many times, we reccomend you to make your account and manage your purchases.

Other FAQ

How long is expiration date?

In Japan, we use “best before date” (or best by date) for drinks/snacks in most case. Its not expiration (consume by) date.

Since it is not expiration date, even if it past, its no problem to eat/drink , and not illegal to sell in Japan as well.

(USDA and other source says its no problem to eat/drink if it past.)

We try to keep all item up to date but since some of items are already discontinued sometime their date is close or past.

In this case, we notify on product page. But these date is always changing so if you care the date, pls ask us for each item from contact form.

(pls ask us even if there is no notification or it is not discontinued item)

I received wrong (or damaged ) item. What can i do?

If your item is at all damaged ,wrong or defective, we ask that you please take a photo immediately and send us message from contact form ,where we can assist you further.

Please note:
Please send us message immidiately after you receive.
After receiving your message , we will ask you to send photo of your shipment , so please do not forget to take a photo and keep the shipment as it arrived until everything done.

If your message is after 14days of your receipt, or if you can not send us the photo of shipment, please kindly note that we can not refund or can not assist anything futher of this issue, so pls send us message ASAP.

*If you receive melted chocolate, pls check at “Do you offer refrigerated shipping for chocolate?” at FAQ page.

How long will it take to get my package?

If it is Express Shipping, item will arrive within a week after shipped. (Trackable)

**Please note that It is a average time required for normal delivery, sometime it delays due to the transportation, customs clearance, carrier’s handling procedures or other factors

Do you offer refrigerated shipping for chocolate?

No. We only ship Non-Refrigerated shipping.

We ship chocolate everyday but can not be responsible for weather of all countries.

Before your purchase ,please consider of the temperature in your country, especially in summer season.

We cant not be responsible and guarantee for all problem about melted chocolate issue.


Can i get bulk price?

Sorry, because of Corona, Shipping company dosenot offer bulk discount anymore.

How should i to contact if I have any queries?

You can contact us from Contact Form any time. Please feel free to ask us .

How do i get items on pallet?

We do pallet only for sea shipping. It will take from 1month depending on the country you receive. If you want to do pallet, please us know from contact form.

How do i cancel my order?

If item is not shipped yet, you can cancel the order.

If the cancel is caused by your fault, your personal reason, or any other reason that is caused by you, you have to pay for canceling fees.

Canceling Fee : 7% of total order.
(Usually it takes 5 – 10 days until update on your side)

If you need to cancel, please contact us from contact form.

Do you ship to EU? (UK, France Italy etc)

Basically, we don’t ship to EU because there is strict importing regulation on their country.

If you can take all responsibility for the case of undelivered( declined by custom etc), we can ship but if Custom in your country decline importing items, we can not refund your payment.

If you agree all this risk, and still need shipment, please contact us from Contact Form page.

Can i add extra shipping instruction for my order?

From our side, we can not tell them for extra instruction or can not arrange specific delivery date.

(What we can tell shipping company is your name, address ,phone number, email address, and EIN or Duns number.)

If you need , please contact DHL directly for arrangement and tell them tracking number.